Getting here.

Map Location

2865 Targhee Pass Hwy
West Yellowstone, MT 59758

Summer: May 23 - Sep 30

Winter: office closed

(406) 646-0606



During the winter calls go directly to voicemail. Please email us for fastest response. We typically respond with in 1-2 business days


Flights come directly into West Yellowstone daily on a Delta connection serviced by Skywest, through Salt Lake City, May 9-October 13. 

Horseback rides:

We are located in West Yellowstone, Montana, 7 miles West of the West gate to Yellowstone National Park on highway 20. For horseback rides, pull into the north pasture under the large ranch gate.

Horse Motel:

The horse motel camping is located on the south pasture of the ranch. You will see a large arena and this is where your campsite is. Please do not pull into the north side of the ranch with your trailer, it is difficult to turn around because the parking lot is full with guest vehicles.

Email us.